
Urgent Situation of Imprisoned Baha'is in Iran

As many of you know, the seven Baha'i leaders currently imprisoned in Iran face an imminent trial, with their execution a possible outcome of the baseless charges leveled against them of "espionage for Israel, insulting religious sanctities and propaganda against the Islamic Republic." Moreover recently the Prosecutor General of Iran made an announcement declaring illegal the national and local coordinating bodies of the Baha'i community of Iran.

In this context, the Baha'i International Community issued a letter to the Prosecutor General of Iran on 4 March 2009 describing in precise detail the history of the government-sponsored persecution of the Iranian Baha'i community since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, the true nature and focus of the activities of the Baha'i community and the fair mindedness and sympathy towards the Baha'is of the majority of Iranian society. The letter calls for the fair judgment of the Iranian judiciary both for the sake of the Baha'i community of Iran and for the freedom of conscience of all Iranian citizens.

This summary merely skims the surface of this unique and important letter, a letter which demands our thoughtful study and will surely occupy a special place in history.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Elika Mahony has a new song about the plight of the Baha'is in Iran, called 'Persecution'. You can listen and download here: http://www.elikamahony.com/2009/03/10/new-song-persecution-dedicated-to-bahais-in-iran/